Friday, August 20, 2010

Relocation...For the Most Part

Having more than one place in which to write my thoughts has begun to be a little more complicated than I thought. Mainly because I've only been writing on the other blog, as I'm sure you've noticed if you've checked the dates on this blog at all.

Now that I've made the transition from having a full time job, to working on my writing full-time (which, by the way is truly God-given and a HUGE blessing), I've realized that what I want to focus my thoughts on will be more of the food/travel side of things - thus the need to devote my time to the other site.

All that long winded-ness to say, you can start catching up with me at the Taste of Wonderland blog. I try to update this blog more than once a week, so if you care to drop in you can get your fill of what I've been filling myself with lately!

Taste of Wonderland

Oh, and please let me know what you think once you get there. I would really love any comments, criticisms, or suggestions!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

No Interruption, Just a Little Godly Detour

Lunchtime rolls around, and I've got food on the brain. In reality, I've had food on my mind since finishing my last bite of oatmeal for breakfast. Today it just wasn't enough and my stomach was loudly protesting, announcing to all coworkers that I had not been properly feeding it. Therefore, something to nosh on was the focus as I set off for lunch to retrieve something I could eat back at my desk and appease the powers that be; my belly in this case.

I began my journey by heading to Whole Foods, my go-to lunch spot, when suddenly Zoe's Kitchen came to mind (unusual for me, considering I can hardly eat anything on their menu). But I was already on my chosen course and didn't want to deviate. Before driving any further however, I spotted a roadblock at the stop light. It was actually construction work going on, and the road to take me to that organic mecca that is Whole Foods was closed. Taking it as a sign, I instead heading towards Zoe's.

Of course being me, I couldn't just walk into Zoe's and order something. I first had to park at Publix a few stores down, and go in searching for what edible delights they might be able to offer. If you've experienced my kooks around a mealtime, you'll have witnessed that in fact I honestly cannot just pick a dining venue and be done with it...I must seek out all my options first! Not surprisingly, there was nothing to be had at Publix, so I finally made my way into the overly crowded Brentwood location of Zoe's Kitchen to pick up something to go.

Unfortunately, they did not just sell sandwiches by themselves, so I was obliged to choose a bag of chips to accompany it. I walked out, food in hand, and headed back to the desk I had been perched at for hours already that day.

Fast forward to quitting time (finally!). Driving home, the traffic was more than averagely horrendous, and I was forced past my normal exit and had to go about 10 minutes out of the way. Getting off the interstate and approaching the stop light, I waited, along with many other tired commuters, for the light to change. That's when I noticed the bearded gentleman standing beside my car with a sign announcing he was a former Vet and in need of assistance.

I suddenly knew what all the detours of the day had been for! That unwanted bag of chips served it's purpose as I rolled down my window and gave the man some chips, a dollar, and a big smile. Thanks Lord, for little reminders that everything has a plan and purpose. Even those mundane tasks such as finding a place to grab a bite for lunch!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Will Plan...For Travel

Here I am, I'm pawning myself out. I have such a need to travel, explore, and research for my upcoming book that I am marketing myself to the general masses.

Have an upcoming trip you'd like help planning? I can do that!
Know of anyone that needs to book a vacation to Disney in the next year? Let me help!

Not even that, but I paint as well...have I mentioned this in the past? I believe I've said it a few times. I've decided that after our trip, when my head is full of information, my notebook full of ideas, and my fingers itching to get to work, I will keep them busy not just with pens but also with brushes. Hopefully the resulting paintings will be worthy of a spot on someone else's wall.

Jeremy and I both work in order to travel (and eat while on these travels!) But in order to explore, we gotta get some funds. Just last night we were discussing the inconvenience of money. Why must a flight cost so much? Isn't there a cheaper way to get across the pond?

If you come up with something creative (such as stowing ourselves on a shrimp boat or working our way across the water as Flamenco dancers on a cruise ship), send the ideas my way! I'm up for just about anything...somewhat ethical that is!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Boredom By Any Other Name...

...Is still boredom.

I contemplated the Shakespeare quote as I sat here trying to think of something to do at work. Juliet's musings of Romeo's name..."A rose by any other name is still a rose," made me realize that call it what you will, my boredom is not going to be resolved by finding something else to copy and file. I've checked out from this job mentally, having moved on to something a bit less tedious. What is that, you ask?

Well right now it's planning a trip to Europe! Shakespeare's words are even more appropriate with the realization that I'll be staying in a hotel next door to his birthplace for a portion of the trip. I can almost believe that with all that history and creativity seeping through the ancient walls, I'll only be able to speak in iambic pentameter and dream in visions of Midsummer Nights. Oh, how I love dwelling on things that revolve around new places, comfy hotel beds, and regional foods I haven't tried!

With less than 30 working days left here at the office, and an entire world awaiting me three days after that last Friday spent in boredom, I simply must research, plan and dream in the meantime!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

CountDown to Freedom

Well, I finally did it - I put in my notice at my job! I was very nervous, simply because there's always that nagging feeling that I'm disappointing someone, but I gave them an ample 6 week time frame to find a replacement, so I'd say that it pretty fair! Only 33 working days to go and I'm a free woman - able to write as I please and not listen to the harpies that dwell under these bright, glaring lights.

Maybe that's a bit harsh - either way, I'm excited! I know that God has placed me in this exact moment, with the time left here at the office being spent growing in areas of patience, tolerance, and forgiveness! (Things that I am currently lacking in, anyway). Come on July!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Back From Wonderland

Our vacation in Disney was everything I had hoped it would be, as cliche as that sounds. I don't know if there could be a better traveling partner than Jeremy, who was genuinely excited about all the silly little things that I was even HIS idea to ride It's a Small World! Rides aside (and there was plenty of time spent doing that), we lounged, explored, and ate more than our tummies could possibly endure.

Speaking of food, I'll be doing an in-depth food review on an online Disney forum. I'll post the link when I've gotten it up off the ground - for now, I'll just say that it was the most amazing dining experience I've had to date! And yes, I had those Mickey Waffles more than one morning of our stay - the chef even made them Vegan for me.

Monday, May 3, 2010

A Flood of Emotion, But Maybe Not the Right Kind

Everyone has been talking about the horrible weather, and the effecting results, the entire weekend and on into today. As I look at the photos online of all the wet wreckage, I can only wish there was something that could have been done. Since I live on top of a large hill, and on the third floor no less, I was completely uneffected. However, I think my emotions were effected because of that, as well.

Empathizing with someone means you can literally feel what it would be like to take someone's place. You feel the emotions they have and the pain and hassle they are going through. I honestly haven't experienced that. YES, I sympathize, but empathy is quite another emotion altogether. When natural disasters like this occur, and they turn up in the news at least once a year, I always watch with interest and horror. But it's a detached form of interest. I can't truly know what it feels like to lose something dear, have something I own torn to pieces, or what it's like to rescue what you can of your possessions. And for that I THANK GOD! Thank you Lord for sparing me so that I can be a blessing to others. Help me be a better servant of you and use my health and abilities to aid those that don't have them right now.

There are those of us full of compassion, and those that can organize those compassionate hearts and direct them in the best ways to accomplish something huge. Both are gifts in their own way. I want my chance to organize a change in something!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

When No Means No

It all started with a very innocent thought. White and sugar coated, this thought was of the international cuisine and beverages I could consume by attending the Food and Wine Festival at Epcot this Fall. Only desiring to stay for a few days to stuff myself, be entertained and perhaps write a review for a few magazines, I had intentions of getting a very part time job to fund my Disney habit. Applications were sent to various bookstores, articles were submitted to various magazines, and all was met with resounding silence. Crickets really - nothing.

Last night I sat down and asked God what He was trying to show me. It was obvious from all the "no" responses I had been getting (not just from the part time gigs, but from interviews for full time positions, as well) that He really wanted to teach me something in all this. What He showed me was a repeat of almost two years ago. Giving up what I hold dear (control in this case) so that He can really birth a new work in me. This was also shown in October 2008, when I got a very clear message to quit my job and move to Colorado, which resulted in Jeremy and I getting married. This time, I'm not sure what all He has up His sleeve, but I do know He finally spoke to me after much prayer about the premise of my book-in-progress! So...on to planning, revising, and much outlining of future chapters. Scary, but so exciting!

Monday, April 19, 2010

A Taste of Wonderland

Over at A Taste of Wonderland, things are getting off to a decent start! As an update, my post Have it Your Way - The Disney Way, was accepted into the Disney Blog Carnival that a Disney community of writers hosted. I was excited, and will be submitting another article to them on May 1st. I'll keep you posted if I make it in round two, as well.

Please take a moment to check things out over in Wonderland, and if you have anything to add, please comment! I always love to hear thoughts other than my own.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

What's Your Kind of "Page Turner?"

What do you want to read about when you come across a blog, whether you're subscribed to it and check it daily, or you wandered in for the first time because of a catchy title? Personally, I enjoy reading about books, food, and subjects in literature ranging from fairytales to gritty, nonfiction accounts of the real world.

I love hearing someone's perspective on world issues that they are passionate an extent. Yes, I want to hear what PETA's up to, as well as what Youth With a Mission's latest project happens to be. What I don't want to hear is someone stating as fact something they've only heard through the grapevine or from some rumor-mill website they thought was accurate. A perfect example; I do not want to hear that Olive Oil puts toxins in your body if you cook with it. That is a completely false statement, yet I've read this on more than one "health" blog recently. Needing to find out the facts for myself, I found a scientific website that proves that cooking with olive oil at 350 or less is not only harmless, but healthy for you. Healthy people have been doing it for thousands of years!

Enough of my rambling though, what does a reader love in a blog? What makes you, being that reader, come back for more? Inquiring minds long to know.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Order Up!

After countless revisions and an attempt to come up with an introductory sentence that wasn't too big or too small but JUST right, I finally hit send on the email to Travel and Leisure. I then said a big prayer that the email would make it to the best pair of eyes possible without going into someone's trash box immediately. The scariest part of giving your ideas to a total stranger is that there's the liklihood of never getting a response, or worse still having them explain why you actually suck and should flip burgers for a living. At least, those were the nightmares running through my head all night as I tossed and turned.

Today I haven't heard anything. I have to learn to let things roll off my back and keep coming up with ideas that will one day sell. Of course, I sent these emails last night to large publications notorious for taking weeks to respond to anyone, much less someone they haven't worked with before. Waiting with baited breath is too hard when you run out of oxygen and everything begins to get hazy. Time to just breath, relax, and keep writing.

Friday, April 9, 2010

A New Addition to the Family

I love writing, which is perhaps why I blog on a somewhat consistent basis. I also love that occasionally I discover someone that finds me worth reading and will take my ponderings and come back with a comment of their own. It is for this reason that I've decided to create an additional blog - one that centers on something other than myself.

As you know, I freely give my opinion and will continue doing this and giving my "well-thoughts" right here. But when I began to analyze the blogs that I myself follow, it wasn't someone's personal blog unless I knew them personally, also. More often, it was something related to topics I was interested in. This ultimately consisted of food, restaurants, healthy food, not so healthy desserts, and Disney. With that in mind and every finger itching to start a new project, I launched a not so personal blog that will be related to just those things.

Entitled A Taste of Wonderland, I hope to be able to give people a little bit of what I've gathered from other's blogs - information I didn't know before, on topics I want to know MUCH more about. I will be writing the first article this weekend in the hopes of submitting to a Disney Blog Carnival where it will hopefully be featured among other's of similar topics. Wish me Luck! I'll keep you posted.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

It's Gonna Be a Good Friday

With the day off tomorrow and the promise of warm breezes and clear skies, I'm preparing myself to spend the day outside writing. Now that I have a clear idea of the story I want to tell (or at least, more clear than it's been in awhile), I'm getting excited to finish the outline so that I have something complete to pitch to my literary agent. God has been revealing a few things to me about what direction to go in and what type of characters to include, but coming up with the details it takes to jot down thousands of words is a massive undertaking. But one that I am ready to begin!

Nothing is more inspiring than an outdoor cafe, watching the many varieties of people come and go, each with stories of their own I'll never get to hear, but can easily imagine. In some people I can almost visibly see the cartoonish conversation bubbles above their head, allowing a glimpse of what's on their mind at the time. In others though, they seem like a blank slate, allowing me to take some creative liberties and insert my own bubble over them. Tomorrow I'll take notes of this kind, and will assume that someone like myself is most likely doing the same to me - although since I pretty much wear my emotions on my sleeve, no matter the outfit, they'll have an idea what's going on in my head. Tomorrow will be full of joy, but also rich with intense concentration.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Rolling out the Red Carpet at Whole Foods

Hungry and in a rush to grab some groceries and dinner on Sunday night, I parked at the grocery store and began trekking across the parking deck behind a very European-looking couple that was taking their time, holding hands and being very affectionate with one another. Both were wearing dark colors, he in a denim jacket and biker boots, and she in a turtleneck, skinny jeans and combats. Just as the doors opened to welcome us into the edible dream that is Whole Foods, I overheard the guy say something with an Australian accent, immediately making my ears perk up and my curiosity peak. I had a good inclination who this couple could be at that point, but needed to make sure - so I followed them to the bakery/candy aisle (needing a few items from this section anyway, I couldn't be labeled as a full fledged stalker). At this point I was certain that I was in the precense of Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban. I've spotted him in other Nashville locations and really didn't have an interest, but this was my first encounter with her. Having been a big fan since her Far and Away days, I couldn't help but take in the radiance of her skin and feel a pang of jealousy at what daily spa visits can do.

They quickly left that aisle (he wanted Easter candy, while she looked around seemingly uninterested) and headed to the prepared foods and hot bar area. As luck would have it, I was getting dinner for Jeremy and myself, so I mentally took notes of what she was grabbing as I laddled my own food and picked out a few things for Jeremy. Just as I was grabbing the tongs to get some chicken wings for him, Mr. Urban walked up beside me to read the labels on those same wings. Nicole walked up at the same instance and stood on my other side, and both talked above my head about the selections they had to choose from. I silently prayed she wouldn't think the sticky glazed bird limbs were mine as I stole a glance at her bowl and noticed it was spilling over with colorful vegetables and not a drop of sauce.

Very soon though, I had had my fill of celebrity, so I grabbed a cart to continue my shopping and check off the items on my page-long list of ingredients for the week ahead's meals. The experience was fun, but I was ready to get on with life and back to my hungry partner.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Good Things Take Time...and Many Ingredients

I've begun a lifestyle change of sorts where my eating habits are concerned. Included in this, I've stocked up on organic produce, haven't had any dairy or red meat, and I'm actually turning on my oven. Typically, we either eat out or pick up food from a restaurant at least 5 times a week, but this week marks a huge change in our house. It's not really even a matter of finances, but more the contents of the food that has me whipping out the cookbooks from now on. I've already noticed a pretty significant difference in just a few days of bringing loads of veggies for lunch, fruit to snack on, and protein bars to keep me energized....picture a child that has had too much sugar on a long car ride, and you'll get a picture of me right before I can leave work in the afternoons.

Tonight I'm making roasted artichokes and butternut squash with some balsamic chicken. However, what I had thought would be pretty straight forward and simple has become a bit more daunting as I've looked over the instructions from the recipes I've found. Who knew that an artichoke had to be clipped before preparing? I'm up to the challenge however, if for no other reason than I've loved springing out of bed for Yoga in the mornings without the typical groan escaping out of me (quite as much).

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

We're All Mad Here

What makes someone odd isn't a particular way of dressing or hair styling. It isn't a certain mannerism or way of speaking. What makes someone odd is simply not being like those around them, no matter what the majority of the people look or act like. I thought about this today as I drove down the road and observed the flightless birds that were jogging by my car (Oh wait those stick figures are women, oblivious to the fact that the world is meant to live with food involved). Then there was the enormous man smoking an even bigger cigar, who sped through a red light driving a...Mini Cooper. So large was he, his stogie, and his inflated ego that he had to roll his window down and hang half his body outside. Turns out though, he wasn't odd either. I was the odd observer in this culture of less is more where food is concerned, and more is more in regards to status, price tag, and self consumption.

Today I'm loving my self. I want to be odd, quirky, and different when it comes to the normal ways of our media driven, money hungry culture. I'll be a vegan or a carnivore only to please myself and my health, and I'll only buy according to what makes me and my little family happy. Thank you Lord, for making me as Mad as a Hatter!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Preventative Measures

At my office, each person is allotted a certain amount of PTO days (paid time off) which rolls all vacation, sick, and personal time off of work into one lump sum to be taken at your whim. Unfortunately, what this has meant for me in the last week is that I've caught whatever vile sickness has been passed around from person to person for the past month. No one wants to waste their time off being sick, so they drag in their infestations, allowing it to cover all surfaces and contaminate everyone else. It's spreading like wildfire, and I'm just now getting over it myself.

Today I was asked if I was on antibiotics - I'm sure the person questioning me was trying to assess whether they would be the next victim. Unfortunately for them, I've decided that I'm coming to work with only Dayquil in my system, not wanting to waste any precious PTO days inside when I could have spent it at the beach later this year. A smart boss would stop this madness by quarantining the less than healthy employees until any trace of the cold virus was gone. Unfortunately, it's continuing to latch on to unsuspecting victims.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Fairie Tales and Pitchers of Ale

I've begun my campaign early for a St. Patrick's Day trip to the far away land of Leprechauns and limericks within the next few years. Surely if I can save up a bit here and there (not counting my other planned getaways between now and then) I can be wisked off to Ireland where St. Patrick's Day is more like Independence Day, not just an excuse to drink yourself into a state of oblivion.

After our recent trip to Dublin for our honeymoon, I didn't want to leave. Everyone we met was a friendly face with sound advice, all of our meals were full of flavor, and our castle hotel was one of the most memorable parts of our entire trip.

Now, I'm going to go ahead and discuss the upcoming trip as if it is destined to happen; that way maybe I'll wish it into existence! WHEN we go, I would like to stay in a smaller area of Ireland and tour the countryside, exploring ancient ruins and green fields as far as the eye can see. I know I'll spot a pot of gold while there, but that may just be my own savings I've taken with me, ready to spend!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Sounds Like Irony

There's no point in discussing the pains I went through this morning when getting up to go into the office after a few days of vacation time. Everyone goes through it - we could all sing the same sad song. The boredom that ensued once I sat at my desk and switched on the computer (even though I had countless emails and a pile of paper yet to be filed sitting under my nose) is yet another verse in that same tune. What I didn't count on was the silence that screamed at me for hours on end, never even pausing to take a breath. It seemed to hum into my ear like a hummingbird, flapping its wings at an unimaginable speed as it hovered above my head. It's still there in fact; never tiring, never wavering from its post.

What struck me as amusing was the moment I logged onto my blog account to begin writing something for the day. Without a theme in mind, I scanned over last week's posts only to discover the most recent topic about the harmony that a combination of friends, drinks, and music can create. From the glow of that evening a few nights ago, to the glare of the day that still lies in wait for me here, I realize that sometimes you really can hear time stopping. But it allows you to pay closer attention to the soft whisper of opportunities yet to come.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Sounds of Relaxation

There's a certain sound when an instrument is played - a pulling at the strings that is a combination of both good tuning and fingernails - it has inspired our small party to sing, laugh, write, think. After this noise invariably comes the pop of a cork from a just-opened wine bottle - more laughter, feet tapping on wooden floors, and the welcome sound of food sizzling on the grill. Freedom comes in many forms, but tonight the warm lights from candles and the distant sound of surf meeting sand makes me realize just how at home I feel while at the beach - and just how much I would do to make this a permanent reality for me. Vacations are wonderful at digging up those buried feelings and putting them under your nose, making you smell the salty desire you hadn't realized was so strong; creating in you a deep desperation to not only watch the sun set, but to watch it rise and perform that ritual for more than a long weekend. The sun is at its most radiant when it can see its reflection through an ocean.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Itsy Bitsy Yellow Polka Dot Bikini

No bikinis will be worn this weekend, or even shorts for that matter, but I am beach bound in less than 18 hours and could care less about my attire. Of course there are some things I will care alot of about while there, as is apparent from my growing list of dining locations I've missed since our last stay. Food and lounging around seem to be where my daydreams have taken me, and I can already envision myself on the porch, facing the ocean in sweat pants and a hoodie, taking in the warmth of the sun on my face even if the temperature doesn't quite reach 70.

Included in my bag of essentials for the trip is a sketch pad and pencils, two books I recently discovered in a used bookstore and had to own for myself, and a pad of paper to write down any thoughts that pop in my head. I'm making it a point not to type those words during my stay...I'll simply have to backtrack and copy it all down when I return. I feel there's something about the act of putting pen to paper. It has the effect of a worn in blanket for me, and also makes me feel a part of something noble and important - even if I'm only writing about my breakfast that morning.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Everything's Got a Moral, If Only You Can Find It

I left the theater Friday night with this Lewis Carroll quote in my head. The movie was exactly as I had hoped it would be. Magical and fantastic, every scene was so carefully descriptive in the images, costumes and attention to detail that I could hardly take any of it in. It will be a movie I replay until it skips, I have no doubt. I sat in the dark with 350 other people, all enraptured by the thought of a world existing where "Everything is as it shouldn't be, and what it should be, it isn't." I had a longing, a feeling of needing to live in that world where animals are your equals and plants are companions. More than anything else, to not be accepted unless you are nothing but yourself, no matter how odd or mad you may seem to others; to in fact be held in greater esteem for showing your true colors. With a tummy full of sugar and a mind full of wonderings and musings of a very 3-D nature, we walked out of the darkened theater and into the hallway where reality set in like the harsh fluorescent lighting above us.

"That movie would have been even better if I was high," a fifteen year old girl said to her friend as they stumbled down the stairs and into the crowd of theater-goers. "Oh, did I tell you I had ISS for some bullshit reason?" I couldn't help but overhear this very loud conversation that was obviously meant to garner attention. These two girls had chatted with us before the movie began, asking my brother questions about his tattoos, and how they wanted their own. Of course, his body art depicts Christ in many ways, and he didn't pass up the opportunity to tell them this. But it fell on deaf ears, as was apparent by their conversation not 2 hours later.

Wanting to run back into the theater and be immersed again into Wonderland where I could escape everything, I instead walked through the throngs of scantily clad girls as profanities and sexual innuendo was yelled from every corner. Standing firm in the belief that we are put in this world - in this exact time and place, "For Such a Time As This," I realized my purpose is to be Alice - to show myself (Christ's reflection) to the world and know that I'll make my way to Wonderland eventually, where everything will be as it SHOULD be.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

"If I Had a World of My Own, Everything Would Be Nonsense."

Call me a dreamer, think I've got my head in the clouds, or maybe just say I never quite grew up. Whichever way you want to put it, I will be falling down the rabbit hole tomorrow at 9:40pm sharp, with no intentions of resurfacing from Wonderland anytime soon. Since hearing of Tim Burton's movie adaptation of the Lewis Carroll classic almost a year ago, I have been counting down the months. The date happened to fall on my unbirthday, so you can imagine my delight at being able to celebrate this way. The majority of my life can be related to the adventures in which Alice found herself, whether that be characters she came in contact with, situations she fell into, or the sometimes irrational conversations she would have with herself.

With that said, I'll now begin at the beginning and go on until I come to the end; then I will stop. Tomorrow after dinner we'll be standing in a massive qeue waiting to be admitted into the Imax 3-D theater. It only gets curiouser and curiouser from here, as I will be adorned in a couture Mad Hatter knit sweater, dangling a charm bracelet complete with teacups and playing cards from my wrist. A tea party assortment of treats will also be hidden in my oversized bag, so we'll nibble on miniature tarts, cupcakes and bon bons after we're seated and the lights have dimmed. Don't judge me, afterall if everyone minded their own business the world would go around a great deal faster than it does. I've discovered that everyone's mad anyway...I'm mad, you're mad.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Cheap Eats

I've spent the last hour searching endlessly through websites, articles, and blogs looking for what would seem to be a topic people would want to discuss. Instead, I've found a half hazard pile of outdated information. Looking for happy hour specials and weekday dining deals has proven difficult to say the least.

A few friends and I have discussed the idea of a girls' night dinner this Thursday night. They being in the same leaky boat as I am right now, we need to find a place that can feed us well, offer us a nice cocktail, and entertain us with a lively atmosphere and friendly service...without us having to stress over finances. And so the search began, only to end without many results. Chuy's in Cool Springs definitely offers the most attractive deal with great drink specials and an all you can eat nacho bar during happy hour, but the huge crowds and 60 minute wait for a table could have us digging a bit further into our pockets and paying for a little more elbow room.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Half a Year Later...

Buried in paperwork and working with no clear end in sight, I was a bit surprised that someone would nudge me from behind in my own cubicle. Granted, I shouldn't have expected a knock since I have cardboard walls that barely hover above my short self when standing barefoot, and it's approximately 5 sq. feet total, but it's my space nonetheless, so I turned my head a bit caught off guard...only to find two dozen flowers staring back at me. Never having a normal person's reaction to something lovely like this, I did not turn fully around at this point. Instead, I quickly swung my surprised head to the other side where it was met with Jeremy's waiting smile. He had come to surprise me with not one, but two bouquets of flowers, and a lunch break for our six month anniversary.

I'll be honest - I'm a sucker for surprises. But combine that with flowers and the mention of food (sushi no less), and you have my liquified heart in your hands. Instead of going to Whole Foods and doing a bit of grocery shopping while I perused the hot bar in search of a healthy, tasty deviation from my daily lunch routine, I was able to indulge in the freshest fish and the company of an amazing person. Happy Anniversary to me!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

One Canvas and a Fresh Perspective Later...

I had driven circles in the parking lot of the school-turned-booze fest known as Sips and Strokes for about fifteen minutes before I finally took a deep breath of gumption and walked into the din of tipsy ladies. Most of the students took the title quite literally, sipping on their purchased goods from the liquor store next door as they put on paint smeared aprons and pumped out the specified amounts of primary colored paints we would be using that evening.

We began putting brush to canvas about 20 minutes after our scheduled start time. A mad rush of latecomers and throngs of chatty females were the cause, but the instructor commanded attention with the aid of a deafening microphone, and everyone instinctively got down to business pronto (A result of getting chastised by your teacher in elementary school, no doubt). What I didn't expect was to enjoy it - alot. We were allowed some version of creative freedom (as much as our limited color palette would allow), and were given step by step instructions.

While everyone's picture turned out to be a mirror image of the other, I took pains to separate mine from the pack. My flowers were a little more abstract, my vase a bit off-center from the rest of the group, and I had splattered paint onto the bottom of the canvas...mainly out of rebellion. Unfortunately nothing could be done about the elementary colors or the low quality of paint which dried flat and dull onto the canvas. But overall, I have to say that it allowed most people in the room to step out of their comfort zones and be creative for a change, showing them that even the most Type-A personalities can let loose every once in awhile.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Painting to the Beat of Someone Else's Drum

Preparing myself for the evening that lies ahead of me, I packed a change of clothes this morning that included an old shirt filled with holes, jeans worn thin by love and time, and a pair of flats much more comfortable than the heels I'm currently rushing about in. I'll be changing into this attire and meeting the women I work with for a few hours of painting. Unfortunately it isn't quite as creative as it sounds. The place is called Sips and Strokes, and while its name may conjure up a few risque thoughts, it is simply a school of sorts, where you can learn to paint something while having a glass or two of any beverage of your choice (that you provide, of course). I'm assuming the main draw is for people to go, have some fun with friends, and actually produce a painting half-worthy of hanging on your wall. For me, the catch lies in the fact that everyone must use the same colors and materials to paint whatever the teacher has in mind that day. It has the same effect as being locked in a room and fed stale white bread while having a view of a sumptuous buffet.

I'll be following up on this tomorrow for the aftermath, but for now I can say that my painting will not look like a copy of all the others. Surely they can't throw me out if I want my flowers to have a little more life in them, perhaps by using colors other than the red scheme that appears in every house outfitted by Kirkland's. This may just be my opportunity to confirm to the office gals that I'm really not "One of the Girls" - something I have a feeling they've thought for quite sometime now anyway. Its going to be a freeing experience after all. Tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Such a Time as This

I've gotten about a quarter of the way through a Beth Moore bible study that was given to me for Christmas. Although I would love to say I was much further along, given that I've had the book for three months now, I can't help but smile at the timing God's Word has. Had I progressed into the chapters beyond the point I'm at, I wouldn't have received the eye-opening bonk on the head that I've been getting for three days straight. The study is an in-depth look at the book of Esther, taking me line by line through the verses as the days go on. Even though I've heard the phrase, "For such a time as this," so many times, I really never knew the context or how it could apply to me - until this week.

Given the situation I find myself in, and the way I've desperately been clawing at the walls of my work life trying unsuccessfully to escape, the full knowledge that God has placed me in this exact environment and with these exact people takes on new meaning. Yes, I can still pursue the avenues I feel I'm being led down. But until I am able to see a money trail leading me down that path, I'll have to stick to roads that are a little greener. Just knowing that He put me in this place makes the day go by quicker! That, coupled with the fact that I'm now certified in both Disneyland and Walt Disney World vacation counseling, puts a smile on my face that outshines even fluorescent lighting!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Earning My Ears

Snow and ice covered the roads and parking lots yesterday. Sunday services at church were canceled, and we were able to spend another day cocooned in our condo. Instead of watching another movie, we decided to honor God and get some much needed refilling by spending some time in prayer and bible study. During this time, I prayed about the path that I was heading down career-wise, seeing if it was the best decision for my Christian life; and ultimately the most pleasing to God. A month ago I had found an area of focus that I wanted to devote some time to, so I had been passionately researching and getting to know the industry a bit. Things had started off relatively smoothly, but just this past weekend I had hit a rough spot and questioned whether the door was closing on this or not.

The morning ended, we were able to make it outdoors in search of food, and day turned into evening, bringing with it revelation in the form of technology actually working WITH me for a change. The issues I had experienced were smoothed over, and I even discovered the Disney College of Knowledge; a curriculum designed to certify you in all things Disney travel related. What could be more perfect for combining a long-time passion with a new found career path?

I continue to be watchful of making steps with God and not ahead of Him. At this moment I believe I'm getting the green light to "Earn My Ears," as the certification puts it so fittingly!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Fiend in Need is a Fiend, Indeed

How would you describe the sound that tin foil makes as it is being unwrapped? The type that I hear is the thinnest of foils containing some unknown delicious treat. Would that sound be a crackle, or perhaps a tinkling, announcing that someone is indulging in a weakness of probable little nutritional value? As Valentine's Day draws closer, candy companies are given yet another reason to celebrate, and I find myself magnetically drawn to those shiny wrappings; needing to discover the hidden chocolates inside and reacquaint myself with each flavor.

One particular weakness of mine, which I will divulge even though I'm sure I'll get critiqued about it, would be heart-shaped boxes of chocolate. From Russell Stover to Jean-Philippe, I can't discriminate when it comes to the tiny squares of yet to be discovered tastes and textures. Saturday night comes to mind, when Jeremy and I went to the movies after dinner. Unknown to him I had made a trip beforehand, down the street to Walgreen's where I picked up some "dessert". Out of my purse came the box, wrapped in foil and containing a random assortment of creams and caramels covered in milk chocolate. He couldn't help himself, he dove in right along with me.

And now I sit in this quiet office, listening to someone as they have a small snack of what could only be chocolate. Or, perhaps it's just a mouse nibbling away on his own mid-day meal.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Working on Some Perspective

As mentioned recently, I have been in need of a great book. More than a page turner, I required writing that would lift me from among the piles of paper and files at my office desk, and gently place me in the midst of colorful words as far as the eye could see. I wouldn't have to follow complicated directions such as "Second star to the right, and straight on 'til morning," I would simply be able to open the cover and start at page one. I have continued to be in a gloomy frame of mind every evening as I return from my job, because there is no passion in work that doesn't involve someone's interests. Having all but had one particular book shoved in my face, I reluctantly picked it up last night as a last resort to save myself from checking my Facebook page one more time.

The Noticer, by Andy Andrews, didn't seem like the wonderful escape I had in mind. After the first few pages though, I felt that it was speaking to me about the very situation I had found myself in. One thing I was able to take away from the first few chapters was that I may think I want to be on that mountaintop with a dream career, but to realize that the top is only good for the view, and you'll be looking into the grassy valleys below. You have to come down because there is no growth that high up, and the water and food are always found as your hiking through to the next mountain in the distance.

Maybe everyone else has heard this before, but it was eye opening for me. Finding a different perspective has allowed the work day to be a little less mind numbing, and made me a much more enjoyable person in the process.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Somewhere Between Feast and Famine

Just about everyone who overate throughout the past few months of nonstop smorgasbord-type parties can verify that they have started a "get healthy" routine. Magazines are now laden with these features, grocery stores are promoting Splenda-alternative products, and The Biggest Loser has captivated audiences once again. And while I must include myself in the legions of individuals purchasing more plums and less pudding this month, I will also note that I've been all or nothing in the effort.

Having done this in the past, I know my cycle. Weekdays are spent eating SO healthy that come Friday's date night, all bets are off and I'm ordering the Chocolate Decadence with a side of fries. Saturday and Sunday are spent much the same, because I've allowed myself to eat what I like on the weekends. Key words should have been inserted at that point of my decision - Moderation and Self Control. Unfortunately at the time of consumption, those phrases were not on the Scrabble board, and I received 22 points for Gluttony.

Having realized this, I have blown the dust off the Beth Moore CDs and now drive down the road listening to the Fruits of the Spirit. What a difference having a daily dose of a specific Word can have on an Achille's heel. Today was spent clearing a path between the overgrowth of Feast and the desolation of Famine.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Monotony is the New Black

Anyone with the eyes to see will be able to tell you what the trend of the moment is. Closing my eyes and praying it's simply the South's molasses-textured way of doing things (i.e. slow and resisting movement or change), I tried to ignore the months of tedious repetition where articles of clothing were concerned. This being a Saturday, and having the freedom to do a little shopping, it occurred to me once again that nothing is moving. There is no scent of change in the air; no feeling that this game of Follow the Leader may be about over and perhaps a nice round of Tug of War could begin.

Maybe it's always been this way, and the bold trends of the moment are just more eye catching this time around. Perhaps this year's skinny jeans (and the last three years for that matter), are the same as Seventies-inspired bell bottoms that came back for a short period of time. Allow me to make a promise though; the sight of one more girl in tight pants tucked into riding boots will cause a knee-jerk reaction in me to do some early Spring cleaning in my closet. The look itself can be attractive on the right person, but is similar to listening to a loved song one too many times, causing you to sour towards it. Once something unique catches on, it ceases to be exclusive and becomes the standard. Sadly, there is nothing I can do about it but gripe, so let this be my moment of kvetching.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Another Trip Into the Wardrobe

With frigid temperatures outside, and a cozy quilt calling my name on the couch at my home, I sat at work dreaming of lounging underneath that warmth while reading a great book. Unfortunately I had just finished my latest read, so I set myself to the task of finding its replacement. Being at work and needing to appear busy, I went to to find one that sparked my interest. Instantly I was attracted to a literary memoir about one girl's love of the Narnia books since childhood, and her views on it after rereading as an adult. Thinking I would feel a kinship with this author, I reserved a copy. Unfortunately I did this before reading reviews of the publication.

One very honest reader had mentioned that while the cover makes you want to pick up the book immediately and discover the reason for the author's love of the fictional paradise, the reality was much less appealing. The author openly admits that she is not a fan of Lewis due to his religious beliefs, and rants about Christianity as a whole. Finally, she claims that had she known this was the underlying theme of the series she adored so much as a child, she would never have read them...also stating that Narnia would have been better off without Christ being involved. (My thoughts would have been just another fantasy book had that been the case, and would therefore not continue to be read sixty years later.)

Recently it seems that memoirs have become something other than their original nature. The author doesn't tell a story, as much as stand on their soap box and tell their uneducated views on the hot topic of the moment. Yes, it may garner a few loyal fans in the process (Running with Scissors author Augusten Burroughs Picador is a prime example), but usually it only allows the author's ignorance and closed-mindedness to shine through.

Instead of purchasing a book that day, I went home and began reading my own copy of a well loved children's book. I was happy to discover I adored it every bit as much the second time around.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Every Journey Tells a Story

Once upon a time...there was a journey. That journey had adventure, romance, hidden paths and secret doors. Friendships were made, lessons were learned, and those involved would regale others in the future of the happenings and occurrences of those travels. And while many will only dream of having their own story to tell, a few will take that step, making the journey that they themselves created the map for.

For this very reason, I am seriously considering helping people find that path. Hopefully I will be able to provide the pen so that they can map out the direction and write out the stories they will be living. I have always been fascinated by books; any and every kind. Even when younger I could not consume enough information. Fairy Tales were a favorite, and from those early years I have longed to travel and be a part of what I had read. Having a few of my own tales now, I want others to not just daydream, but to live and breath it.
Would this be an endeavor that people would be interested in? Would anyone use my services? These are not questions that can be answered at the moment, but something that I am stepping into with faith, knowing that passions and knowledge in certain areas are instilled within us for a purpose.