At my office, each person is allotted a certain amount of PTO days (paid time off) which rolls all vacation, sick, and personal time off of work into one lump sum to be taken at your whim. Unfortunately, what this has meant for me in the last week is that I've caught whatever vile sickness has been passed around from person to person for the past month. No one wants to waste their time off being sick, so they drag in their infestations, allowing it to cover all surfaces and contaminate everyone else. It's spreading like wildfire, and I'm just now getting over it myself.
Today I was asked if I was on antibiotics - I'm sure the person questioning me was trying to assess whether they would be the next victim. Unfortunately for them, I've decided that I'm coming to work with only Dayquil in my system, not wanting to waste any precious PTO days inside when I could have spent it at the beach later this year. A smart boss would stop this madness by quarantining the less than healthy employees until any trace of the cold virus was gone. Unfortunately, it's continuing to latch on to unsuspecting victims.
A smart boss would allot so many days for sick pay that couldn't be used for anything else. Maybe if the boss got sick him/herself....not that I'd wish it on anyone. Just sayin'
I'm with the itsy bitsy spider, just makes no sense not to set aside days only for sickness.
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