There's a certain sound when an instrument is played - a pulling at the strings that is a combination of both good tuning and fingernails - it has inspired our small party to sing, laugh, write, think. After this noise invariably comes the pop of a cork from a just-opened wine bottle - more laughter, feet tapping on wooden floors, and the welcome sound of food sizzling on the grill. Freedom comes in many forms, but tonight the warm lights from candles and the distant sound of surf meeting sand makes me realize just how at home I feel while at the beach - and just how much I would do to make this a permanent reality for me. Vacations are wonderful at digging up those buried feelings and putting them under your nose, making you smell the salty desire you hadn't realized was so strong; creating in you a deep desperation to not only watch the sun set, but to watch it rise and perform that ritual for more than a long weekend. The sun is at its most radiant when it can see its reflection through an ocean.
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