Thursday, March 4, 2010

"If I Had a World of My Own, Everything Would Be Nonsense."

Call me a dreamer, think I've got my head in the clouds, or maybe just say I never quite grew up. Whichever way you want to put it, I will be falling down the rabbit hole tomorrow at 9:40pm sharp, with no intentions of resurfacing from Wonderland anytime soon. Since hearing of Tim Burton's movie adaptation of the Lewis Carroll classic almost a year ago, I have been counting down the months. The date happened to fall on my unbirthday, so you can imagine my delight at being able to celebrate this way. The majority of my life can be related to the adventures in which Alice found herself, whether that be characters she came in contact with, situations she fell into, or the sometimes irrational conversations she would have with herself.

With that said, I'll now begin at the beginning and go on until I come to the end; then I will stop. Tomorrow after dinner we'll be standing in a massive qeue waiting to be admitted into the Imax 3-D theater. It only gets curiouser and curiouser from here, as I will be adorned in a couture Mad Hatter knit sweater, dangling a charm bracelet complete with teacups and playing cards from my wrist. A tea party assortment of treats will also be hidden in my oversized bag, so we'll nibble on miniature tarts, cupcakes and bon bons after we're seated and the lights have dimmed. Don't judge me, afterall if everyone minded their own business the world would go around a great deal faster than it does. I've discovered that everyone's mad anyway...I'm mad, you're mad.

1 comment:

~lady j said...

this sounds fabulous :) have fun!