I've begun a lifestyle change of sorts where my eating habits are concerned. Included in this, I've stocked up on organic produce, haven't had any dairy or red meat, and I'm actually turning on my oven. Typically, we either eat out or pick up food from a restaurant at least 5 times a week, but this week marks a huge change in our house. It's not really even a matter of finances, but more the contents of the food that has me whipping out the cookbooks from now on. I've already noticed a pretty significant difference in just a few days of bringing loads of veggies for lunch, fruit to snack on, and protein bars to keep me energized....picture a child that has had too much sugar on a long car ride, and you'll get a picture of me right before I can leave work in the afternoons.
Tonight I'm making roasted artichokes and butternut squash with some balsamic chicken. However, what I had thought would be pretty straight forward and simple has become a bit more daunting as I've looked over the instructions from the recipes I've found. Who knew that an artichoke had to be clipped before preparing? I'm up to the challenge however, if for no other reason than I've loved springing out of bed for Yoga in the mornings without the typical groan escaping out of me (quite as much).
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