I left the theater Friday night with this Lewis Carroll quote in my head. The movie was exactly as I had hoped it would be. Magical and fantastic, every scene was so carefully descriptive in the images, costumes and attention to detail that I could hardly take any of it in. It will be a movie I replay until it skips, I have no doubt. I sat in the dark with 350 other people, all enraptured by the thought of a world existing where "Everything is as it shouldn't be, and what it should be, it isn't." I had a longing, a feeling of needing to live in that world where animals are your equals and plants are companions. More than anything else, to not be accepted unless you are nothing but yourself, no matter how odd or mad you may seem to others; to in fact be held in greater esteem for showing your true colors. With a tummy full of sugar and a mind full of wonderings and musings of a very 3-D nature, we walked out of the darkened theater and into the hallway where reality set in like the harsh fluorescent lighting above us.
"That movie would have been even better if I was high," a fifteen year old girl said to her friend as they stumbled down the stairs and into the crowd of theater-goers. "Oh, did I tell you I had ISS for some bullshit reason?" I couldn't help but overhear this very loud conversation that was obviously meant to garner attention. These two girls had chatted with us before the movie began, asking my brother questions about his tattoos, and how they wanted their own. Of course, his body art depicts Christ in many ways, and he didn't pass up the opportunity to tell them this. But it fell on deaf ears, as was apparent by their conversation not 2 hours later.
Wanting to run back into the theater and be immersed again into Wonderland where I could escape everything, I instead walked through the throngs of scantily clad girls as profanities and sexual innuendo was yelled from every corner. Standing firm in the belief that we are put in this world - in this exact time and place, "For Such a Time As This," I realized my purpose is to be Alice - to show myself (Christ's reflection) to the world and know that I'll make my way to Wonderland eventually, where everything will be as it SHOULD be.