Tuesday, April 20, 2010

When No Means No

It all started with a very innocent thought. White and sugar coated, this thought was of the international cuisine and beverages I could consume by attending the Food and Wine Festival at Epcot this Fall. Only desiring to stay for a few days to stuff myself, be entertained and perhaps write a review for a few magazines, I had intentions of getting a very part time job to fund my Disney habit. Applications were sent to various bookstores, articles were submitted to various magazines, and all was met with resounding silence. Crickets really - nothing.

Last night I sat down and asked God what He was trying to show me. It was obvious from all the "no" responses I had been getting (not just from the part time gigs, but from interviews for full time positions, as well) that He really wanted to teach me something in all this. What He showed me was a repeat of almost two years ago. Giving up what I hold dear (control in this case) so that He can really birth a new work in me. This was also shown in October 2008, when I got a very clear message to quit my job and move to Colorado, which resulted in Jeremy and I getting married. This time, I'm not sure what all He has up His sleeve, but I do know He finally spoke to me after much prayer about the premise of my book-in-progress! So...on to planning, revising, and much outlining of future chapters. Scary, but so exciting!


The Brown Recluse (TBR) said...

There's a lesson for us all in this post. Jeremy is way better than any job, yes? Anytime we follow God's plan for us, the rewards are immeasurable.
I'm very interested in the book project. Care to share a few more details?

Rachel Maurine said...

After about a half an hour I figured out how to "follow" your blog. I now am feeling accomplished!

I love reading your posts!

Mandi Coleman White said...

Rachel! I'm oh so glad that you figured it out!! I'll update more...this last week was a toughy!