After countless revisions and an attempt to come up with an introductory sentence that wasn't too big or too small but JUST right, I finally hit send on the email to Travel and Leisure. I then said a big prayer that the email would make it to the best pair of eyes possible without going into someone's trash box immediately. The scariest part of giving your ideas to a total stranger is that there's the liklihood of never getting a response, or worse still having them explain why you actually suck and should flip burgers for a living. At least, those were the nightmares running through my head all night as I tossed and turned.
Today I haven't heard anything. I have to learn to let things roll off my back and keep coming up with ideas that will one day sell. Of course, I sent these emails last night to large publications notorious for taking weeks to respond to anyone, much less someone they haven't worked with before. Waiting with baited breath is too hard when you run out of oxygen and everything begins to get hazy. Time to just breath, relax, and keep writing.
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