Just about everyone who overate throughout the past few months of nonstop smorgasbord-type parties can verify that they have started a "get healthy" routine. Magazines are now laden with these features, grocery stores are promoting Splenda-alternative products, and The Biggest Loser has captivated audiences once again. And while I must include myself in the legions of individuals purchasing more plums and less pudding this month, I will also note that I've been all or nothing in the effort.
Having done this in the past, I know my cycle. Weekdays are spent eating SO healthy that come Friday's date night, all bets are off and I'm ordering the Chocolate Decadence with a side of fries. Saturday and Sunday are spent much the same, because I've allowed myself to eat what I like on the weekends. Key words should have been inserted at that point of my decision - Moderation and Self Control. Unfortunately at the time of consumption, those phrases were not on the Scrabble board, and I received 22 points for Gluttony.
Having realized this, I have blown the dust off the Beth Moore CDs and now drive down the road listening to the Fruits of the Spirit. What a difference having a daily dose of a specific Word can have on an Achille's heel. Today was spent clearing a path between the overgrowth of Feast and the desolation of Famine.
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