Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Every Journey Tells a Story

Once upon a time...there was a journey. That journey had adventure, romance, hidden paths and secret doors. Friendships were made, lessons were learned, and those involved would regale others in the future of the happenings and occurrences of those travels. And while many will only dream of having their own story to tell, a few will take that step, making the journey that they themselves created the map for.

For this very reason, I am seriously considering helping people find that path. Hopefully I will be able to provide the pen so that they can map out the direction and write out the stories they will be living. I have always been fascinated by books; any and every kind. Even when younger I could not consume enough information. Fairy Tales were a favorite, and from those early years I have longed to travel and be a part of what I had read. Having a few of my own tales now, I want others to not just daydream, but to live and breath it.
Would this be an endeavor that people would be interested in? Would anyone use my services? These are not questions that can be answered at the moment, but something that I am stepping into with faith, knowing that passions and knowledge in certain areas are instilled within us for a purpose.

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