I contemplated the Shakespeare quote as I sat here trying to think of something to do at work. Juliet's musings of Romeo's name..."A rose by any other name is still a rose," made me realize that call it what you will, my boredom is not going to be resolved by finding something else to copy and file. I've checked out from this job mentally, having moved on to something a bit less tedious. What is that, you ask?
Well right now it's planning a trip to Europe! Shakespeare's words are even more appropriate with the realization that I'll be staying in a hotel next door to his birthplace for a portion of the trip. I can almost believe that with all that history and creativity seeping through the ancient walls, I'll only be able to speak in iambic pentameter and dream in visions of Midsummer Nights. Oh, how I love dwelling on things that revolve around new places, comfy hotel beds, and regional foods I haven't tried!
With less than 30 working days left here at the office, and an entire world awaiting me three days after that last Friday spent in boredom, I simply must research, plan and dream in the meantime!
What exciting times are in your future. I simply can't wait to hear all about your travels, where you stayed, what delicacies you tasted and the sights and sounds of Europe. Be sure to take it all in so you can come back and spin a tale for those of us still stuck in these 9 to 5 jobs. Ahhh.. yes I'm a bit jealous, but very excited for you at the same time!
Boredom is a choice of sorts. In these times it is a blessing to have a job. It does not mean that the job has to be forever, but it is a blessing for the present.
Just a thought. Love you much!
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