Snow and ice covered the roads and parking lots yesterday. Sunday services at church were canceled, and we were able to spend another day cocooned in our condo. Instead of watching another movie, we decided to honor God and get some much needed refilling by spending some time in prayer and bible study. During this time, I prayed about the path that I was heading down career-wise, seeing if it was the best decision for my Christian life; and ultimately the most pleasing to God. A month ago I had found an area of focus that I wanted to devote some time to, so I had been passionately researching and getting to know the industry a bit. Things had started off relatively smoothly, but just this past weekend I had hit a rough spot and questioned whether the door was closing on this or not.
The morning ended, we were able to make it outdoors in search of food, and day turned into evening, bringing with it revelation in the form of technology actually working WITH me for a change. The issues I had experienced were smoothed over, and I even discovered the Disney College of Knowledge; a curriculum designed to certify you in all things Disney travel related. What could be more perfect for combining a long-time passion with a new found career path?
I continue to be watchful of making steps with God and not ahead of Him. At this moment I believe I'm getting the green light to "Earn My Ears," as the certification puts it so fittingly!
I just love it when a plan comes together. One thing I have found though the years is that when God is involved, my choices are so much more fulfilling. I wish I'd learned that at your age, instead of mine. How wise you are.
Thank you so much, Anonymous! I am checking it out right now...can't wait to dig in!
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