Friday, December 18, 2009

The Amanda/Alice Project?

Tonight Jeremy and I skipped out on the multitude of activities we had planned, and instead spent the evening eating take-out and Tim Tams while watching Julie and Julia. Both were inspiring enough to write about. The movie was what I had hoped it to be; while the few bad reviews, (and a husband who had other things he would rather go to the movies for), kept me from viewing in the theater this past fall, we rented it within a week of its coming to Blockbuster. Both of us laughed while indulging in a variety of dishes spread out on the cocktail table in front of us. There could be no other way of watching a movie dedicated to the obsession of food.

The movie inspired me in ways other than the consumption of calorie-laden food, however. "I could write a blog; I have thoughts." That is exactly what Julie Powell said as she spoke to her husband regarding her place in the world, or rather, attempting to find that place. Just another Alice wandering through Wonderland, in search of her niche, if you would. I related on that, and many other levels. Now I sit back and wonder, do my thoughts and ponderings warrant enough material to put pen to paper (or to be more current, fingers to keys), on a daily basis? Maybe we'll all find out. At the very least, I will.


The Brown Recluse (TBR) said...

I hope you do blog more. You are a very talented writer.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see this movie Thanks for the input I wasn't sure till I read your blog.