Either way, Jeremy and I hosted our first holiday get-together at our home yesterday. It was the first annual Coleman/White Christmas, and both sets of family were present. It really turned out to be a great time; everyone brought brunch items and we ate our Who Pudding and carved our Roast Beast. The parents exchanged presents, and we all got to catch up while sitting around the glow and glitter of the Christmas tree. It turned out to be a growing experience for the two of us, also. We had to be adults together, cleaning and cooking in preparation for our home to be open to others. It was great practice for the future, when we will hopefully have a larger house that could host larger family gatherings!
While Christmas music played in the background, we all realized that it was a momentous occassion and celebrated accordingly! Of course the festivities couldn't stop there. Tonight will be a ruinion with Jeremy's brother and sister in law, while each following night has a different event, all focusing on that one theme - family.