Having more than one place in which to write my thoughts has begun to be a little more complicated than I thought. Mainly because I've only been writing on the other blog, as I'm sure you've noticed if you've checked the dates on this blog at all.
Now that I've made the transition from having a full time job, to working on my writing full-time (which, by the way is truly God-given and a HUGE blessing), I've realized that what I want to focus my thoughts on will be more of the food/travel side of things - thus the need to devote my time to the other site.
All that long winded-ness to say, you can start catching up with me at the Taste of Wonderland blog. I try to update this blog more than once a week, so if you care to drop in you can get your fill of what I've been filling myself with lately!
Taste of Wonderland
Oh, and please let me know what you think once you get there. I would really love any comments, criticisms, or suggestions!