Everyone has been talking about the horrible weather, and the effecting results, the entire weekend and on into today. As I look at the photos online of all the wet wreckage, I can only wish there was something that could have been done. Since I live on top of a large hill, and on the third floor no less, I was completely uneffected. However, I think my emotions were effected because of that, as well.
Empathizing with someone means you can literally feel what it would be like to take someone's place. You feel the emotions they have and the pain and hassle they are going through. I honestly haven't experienced that. YES, I sympathize, but empathy is quite another emotion altogether. When natural disasters like this occur, and they turn up in the news at least once a year, I always watch with interest and horror. But it's a detached form of interest. I can't truly know what it feels like to lose something dear, have something I own torn to pieces, or what it's like to rescue what you can of your possessions. And for that I THANK GOD! Thank you Lord for sparing me so that I can be a blessing to others. Help me be a better servant of you and use my health and abilities to aid those that don't have them right now.
There are those of us full of compassion, and those that can organize those compassionate hearts and direct them in the best ways to accomplish something huge. Both are gifts in their own way. I want my chance to organize a change in something!