Noticing that it has been almost one month since I last shared the experiences, viewpoints, and questions pertaining to my life right now, I wanted to take the time and give a more detailed account of the goings-on since that time. There comes a point when so much activity and change has taken place that instead of updating everyone on the wonderful occurrences, I shut down and decide that it might be too much effort, too much information shared in one sitting to really delve in and give a testimony of it all.
Let's just say that no two days are alike - no afternoon knows that the night will bring. Every situation is so unique that I could in no way describe a three week time period with any understanding to the listener...or reader in this case. I have come closer to God through my own encounters, and my relationships with the people I've come to know and love, than I could have ever imagined. God has really given me giftings in areas that at one point seemed intimidating to me, now having me ask for even more experiences with Him and His greatness.
One day perhaps I'll write a full account. I know when time slows back down to a normal pace I will want to recount the activities in my mind and most likely be burning to put pen to paper and get those thoughts out before they threaten to take over and consume all present day interactions.